Cyclamen – Morel
- Scientific Name: Cyclamen persicum
- Habits:
- Height:
- Spacing:
- Width:
- Exposure: Sun
- Morel Cyclamens are world renowned and Ball Australia has a proud long standing relationship with the company
- Orders are taken by your Ball sales manger or Ball customer service team
- Morel are constantly developing new lines
- To see the product assortment available go to this site:
Note: Harmful if eaten/skin & eye irritant
- National Sales Manager: Anthony Collins: Phone: 0402 155 356
- Northern Sales Manager (NSW, QLD & ACT): Brett Harris: Phone: 0412 877 341
- Southern Sales Manager (VIC): Chris Chirgwin: Phone: 0432 685 892
- Western Sales Manager (SA, WA, NT & TAS.): David Eaton: Phone: 0417 876 020
- Northern Sales Manager (QLD & FNQ): Lindsay Jenkinson: Phone: 0412 023 851
- Colour Link Co-ordinator: Geraldine O'dea: Phone: (03) 9798 5355